Why does one have to hit enter after typing one's Windows password to log in, while it's not to hit enter after typing one's PIN?
2025-01-08 10:14:02
Does light travel in a straight line? If so, does this contradict the fact that light is a wave?
2025-01-08 10:14:02
What does the é in Sméagol do to the pronunciation?
2025-01-08 10:14:01
What's the exact meaning of 'unblinking gimlet intensity'?
2025-01-07 10:14:13
Measuring Hubble expansion in the lab
2025-01-07 10:14:13
\MakeLowercase in \section
2025-01-07 10:14:13
First instance of the use of immersion in a breathable liquid for high gee flight?
2025-01-07 10:14:12
How to do the opposite of shift in zsh?
2025-01-07 10:14:12
What does "the ridge was offset at right angles to its length" mean in "several places where the ridge was offset at right angles to its length"?
2025-01-07 10:14:11
How to swim while carrying fins (i.e., when the fins aren't positioned on my feet)?
2025-01-07 10:14:11
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